
Building Industrialization
Job References
  • 澳門(mén)巴黎人酒店

    業(yè)主:威尼斯(澳門(mén))股份有限公司 完成日期:2016.07 物料供應:玻璃纖維石膏制品、玻璃纖維強化塑料

  • 油麻地醫院

    總承建商 有利建筑有限公司 業(yè)主 香港建筑署 完成日期 2016.08 物料供應:預制樓面、梁及玻璃幕墻 (負責設計及承建醫院大樓及相關(guān)外部工程)

  • 元朗518

    總承建商:精進(jìn)建筑有限公司 業(yè)主: 長(cháng)江實(shí)業(yè)地產(chǎn)有限公司 完成日期: 2015.12 物料供應: 預制外墻

  • 安達臣E

    總承建商: 有利建筑有限公司 業(yè)主:香港房屋委員會(huì ) 項目完成日期:2015.06 物料供應: 預制廁所、預制外墻、樓梯、疊合板、垃圾槽、輕質(zhì)干間墻、鐵模、水槽灶臺、升降機槽和鋁窗

  • 洪水橋3期

    總承建商: 有利建筑有限公司 業(yè)主:香港房屋委員會(huì ) 項目完成日期:2014.07 物料供應: 預制廁所、預制外墻、樓梯、疊合板、垃圾槽、輕質(zhì)干間墻、鐵模、水槽灶臺、升降機槽和鋁窗

  • 牛頭角下邨

    總承建商:有利建筑有限公司 業(yè)主:香港房屋委員會(huì ) 完成日期:2012.06 物料供應:預制外墻、樓梯、疊合板、垃圾槽、輕質(zhì)干間墻、鐵模、水槽灶臺和鋁窗

Our Advantages
Yau Lee Group has undertaken a number of building industrialization projects. With continuous innovation and R&D, the Group possesses a wide range of technology patents in terms of building production and construction. It carries out industrialization, so as to reach the goals of precision, efficiency as well as controllability.
Meanwhile, Yau Lee Group established a 200,000 sq base for precast component production in Huizhou, providing a one-stop service covering the entire chain of building industrialization. The design, production and construction of precast building attach weigh to quality, cost, construction period, construction, safety, effects and environmental protection.
The approach of industrialized assembly better ensures the product quality, and allows the construction period easily controllable, so that the estimation of project cost is optimized.








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